Monday, June 07, 2010

Honey's nephews-ish (kids of Honey's cousin, not sibling) are in town for the week and we got to have them spend the night this weekend. We love getting to see them, they are such sweet boys.

As I was thinking of things to do while they are here, I decided it would be a fun time to come up with the summer version of the great scavenger hunt.

I really wanted to do this on a budget because I'm trying to make the summer fun money go as far as possible, so my goal was $50. Not counting food -- I took all of that out of my eat-out money and the grocery money -- I spent $44. The only reason I spent that much was because I bought a new DVD.

We went swimming at our neighborhood pool and played with some new pool toys I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby. Don't ever pay full price for anything at Hobby Lobby. Just wait a week and it'll go on sale.

There was pizza . . .

. . . and a new card game.

We ate my version of this cake while we watched a new DVD. I was hoping my way would take less time to bake because I only had 40 minutes to get it done. And when I was baking it, I was tired, and the night-o-scavenger hunting hadn't even started.

My way only took 1 cake mix . . . although I used 1 1/2 cans of icing. Momma loves her some icing.

After the movie, there were glow sticks...

. . . at 11:00. Glow sticks at 11 are fun for about 10 minutes and then Honey and I'd had about all the glow stick fun we could handle. We put the kids to bed with promises of more scavenger hunt fun in the morning.
With instructions not to wake us before 8:00am, the boys let us sleep in a bit, but Honey and I were up making breakfast for a morning picnic in the shady,cool back yard.

Then we played some bocce ball . . . in the shady back yard . . . and discovered that our back yard is too small for 3 pre-teen boys to be playing bocce. I'm sure the neighbors loved hearing the balls hit the fence at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. Oh, well, maybe they will think about that tonight at 11:30 when they are letting their really loud cars idle and play inappropriate music.

And then we had strawberries and bananas for a morning snack. And then we made Hobo Dinners for lunch. And then we polished off the cake for an afternoon snack. Because another thing I learned about pre-teen boys this weekend is that the thing they'd most like to find when they open a gift bag is food.


Misty said...

that cake is so fun! you are the coolest, most creative person, I feel like everything you do is just awesome!

Lisa Renee said...

SOUnds SO fun! How in the world did you make that three layer cake in fourty minutes and with one cake mix? You are too good...

kimberly t. bowling said...

Love the festive patriotic delight crafty little thing! Yet another idea I'm stealing...I've made the 6 layer rainbow cake and then a 6 layer red and green Christmas cake but this variation would have slipped by me had you not posted these pics!! And just in time to make a big showing for the 4th of July!! :)