Tuesday, August 20, 2013

All the new.

We made it through the summer...honestly, it was touch and go that last week.  Mama's nerves are just about shot.  Someday when the twins grow up and have quadruplets going in to 4th grade, their Facebook status will say something like "I get it now, Mom.  You are my hero for letting us survive the summer we were 9."

And when I read that status, I will feel a deep satisfaction with the circle of life.

Bubba started 8th grade at the new school yesterday.  He said his day was good.  I said that I was glad he had an awesome day.  He said it was good, not awesome.  I'm praying for awesome by the end of the week.

Since he's the new kid, he didn't get to request electives.  He's in Art and Recycled Art.  I asked him if he was OK with that and he said YES!! with all caps and exclamation marks.  He told us that the art teacher mentioned more than once that "we'd get to throw stuff at the wheel".  (She might have said "on" the wheel, but he heard "at", so we're going with that.) Throwing stuff at anything in class is pretty much a dream to middle school boys.

We went to Open House at the elementary last night.  We met the girls' teachers.  It was...new.  We are used to knowing and hugging All The People when we're at Open House.  I know...it just takes time.  It's a great school...it'll grow on us.

We decided that since we had two different first days of school, we would have our traditional ice cream date after the girls' first day.  We'll have to wait til Bubba gets out of football practice, which means we will probably have ice cream for dinner.  That's fine, right?


Anonymous said...

She was probably refering to thowing a pot on a potter's wheel.

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Shhh! I know that, but I'm going to let him figure that out for himself :) I'm just glad he's excited enough about it to use exclamation marks.

Misty said...

I hear you... my freshman is having MAJOR anxiety. It's coming out in her horrible behavior. She has been super hard to be around the past week or two and then yesterday she comes to me and says "can you find out what it means to dream about losing your teeth? I keep dreaming, every night about my teeth just falling out." Sure enough... Anxiety. Change. Fear of loss of attachment. Aye aye aye... This parenting stuff is tough. Thinking of your kids this morning as they continue to adjust to their newness...

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Thanks Misty! It's really been a good week. I must admit I've never dreamed about losing teeth, but I'm shocked that I haven't because I struggled tons in Elementary and mid-school with anxiety and change and worry. It's not fun...so sorry Gen has to struggle too. Prayers all around :)

Unknown said...

Yay! We got through the Summer in our new places!!!