I finished Bubba's baby book today. I had been waiting for kindergarten to start so I could finish up, and I finally found the time this weekend. I have spent the last couple of days strolling down memory lane. It is utterly amazing how fast time moves. I remember feeling like his first birthday was eons away. And then it was getting the hang of potty training that seemed so far away. Starting kindergarten never even entered my mind. . .
Things really do change so fast. Tonight we have to come home from church and finish a project for school. Who thinks about that kind of stuff when you are rocking your 9 mo. old to sleep?
Friday night kicked off my stroll down memory lane. We went to our class (that we never actually get to go to because we are always in the youth class) party, the Torchbearers, affectionately known as the "Child-bearers." There were 8 or so baby carriers all lined up against the wall. These babies are all like 4 mo. and younger. Every time you turned around, another couple was comming in the doors with a carrier. It was really quite comical.
As I was sitting there watching everyone come in and line their sleeping babies up, I realized that the day I had been longing for had arrived. We were no longer tied down to small babies. We could drop them off at the sitter and enjoy our party. I didn't have to get up in the middle of the game we were playing and "go feed" anyone. We didn't have to leave early so we could make sure the kids slept good. We were free!
You know what I spent most of my meal time doing? Holding a fussy baby that was supposed to be sleeping so his mom could eat in peace. During the game, I offered to give another one a bottle while his mom played. (I was actually planning on continuing my game, I am very good at doing anything and giving bottles!)
All of that to say this: From now on, I am going to try to cherish my children just the way they are. I am going to quit wishing that they were older, more independant, etc. That will come soon enough.
In the mean time, don't get your hopes up about any more babies comming to this family. I am still glad we have decided to quit with one set of twins! Plus, there are plenty of babies to hold and snuggle, and I don't have to change the dirty diapers unless I want too!
Lemongrass Chicken Noodle Bowls
2 hours ago
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