Yes, I know it's February! The 19th. I know ! I've been a little busy lately. In some ways, February rivals December in our family.
Bubba turned 6 a week or so ago. SIX! It is just so hard to believe. What drove the reality home for us, though, was the 2nd of three parties we held for him. (Yes, t h r e e parties.) This is the party that involved our rodent friend Chuck E. Cheese, seven other 6 year olds, and a crazy amount of tokens. Nothin' says "reality check" like Chuck E. Cheese tatoos bought at the prize counter for the low price of 75 tickets each.
There was only one day to regroup from the Birthday Extravaganza before we jumped into Valentines' Day celebrations. By 2:00pm on V-day, we were home and ready to relish in the fact that we had made it through another party season.
A mere 24 hours later, I collapsed in my bed and gave in to the flu. Today, is my first day out of the sick room. I'm tellin' you, the flu is everywhere in this town. In my feverish delusion I was trying to think of other people to call to help Honey as he was on day 2 of single fatherhood. Every person I could think of was sick too. Every. Last. Person. So, he was a champ and did it all himself. Cooking, dishes, laundry, entertaining, and nursing. He was doing so well, I was tempted to fake it a couple of extra days and just chalk it up to vacation time, but decided against it. Thanks Honey for giving me a few sick days.
Do I have any takers on which family member will come down with it next? You might throw in a date and approximate time just in case we need a tie breaker.
Lemongrass Chicken Noodle Bowls
6 hours ago
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