Thanks for all your sweet comments about the office makeover, but I understand that most of ya'll are SO OVER the whole project. I am still loving it and LOVE spending time in here. Probably too much. But life goes on...
Around here it's been Spring Break. Our whole family was out of town for most of the week which is part of the reason it's been so quiet here at Talking Hairdryer Inc. The other reason is that little thing that happened LAST week over at 5 Minutes for Mom . . . The Ultimate Blog Party. There were over 1500 sites to visit, and quite frankly, I spent most of my computer time visiting new-to-me sites and responding to those that stopped by my place. I also made it a point to visit all my old haunts and at least stay current even though I might not have taken the time to comment.
As great as the Blog Party was, I still think that the best way to meet new friends is to visit the favorite reads of the people you already love to read. So, I'm dedicating a post to some of my favorite reads. I would love it if you would take the time to visit these amazing women and even leave a comment. If you'd like to share your favorite sites with me, just post away and leave me a comment so I can drop by and follow your links. If you are confused about how to link in your post, leave me a comment (or e-mail me if you're embarrassed) and I'll do my best to explain.
So here goes, some of Jenni's favorite sites to visit: (sorry girls, I think I'm limiting this to people that I don't know in real life. . . just so no one gets their feelers hurt)
Some Old favorites:
Do They Have Salsa In China? wins my longest loved site award. It was probably the first blog I read regularly. . . well, stalked . . . and I still love it. M3 and Rod adopted twins from China and their lives will never be the same. I love reading about their precious girls.
Still His Girl wins my uplift award. I love reading about Cindy's life and times. She writes an amazing perspective and always points me to my Father. Cindy was the first to reach out to me beyond the comments section and is teaching me to be a cyber-friend.
Rainy Day In May wins my keepin' it real award. I love reading about Misty's life, the good and the bad. Her blog really seems like a journal in the purest form, no content editing just to make everyone happy or to make herself look better. I love that Misty is a great about commenting and giving feedback. I don't read her site because she reads mine, but it's nice to know that the love is returned.
Embrace the Moment is all about the life and times of Javamama. I felt an instant connection with her because she's a minister's wife, and I have totally been there. She has some deep insight into Scripture, some of it just flys right over my head, but she challenges me to keep an open mind.
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman wins my stalker site award. I read this blog just about every day, but she has no clue who I am. I just admire from afar. She talks about everything from cooking, to remodeling, to photography, to life on a ranch. But my favorite subject is her very own personal romance named Black Heels to Tractor Wheels: A Love Story. Go over there and read every single installment and just try not to get hooked.
Some New Favorites:
Purple Valley is where you'll meet Val. She's a mom, wife, photographer that just got back from seeing the Oprah show for her birthday. I connected with her because we're so close to the same age and I have a soft spot for photographers.
Desperately Avoiding Housework will introduce you to PamperingBeki. She's a mommy, wife, and jewelry maker, among other things. Right now she and The Man are working on flipping a house. You can find her jewelry site here.
Oh My Seven is Brooke's blog. She loves purses just like me. She also makes stuff.
I just love Mommy Cracked because, truly, I can relate.
So there you go. A list of some of my favorite reads. Let's trade sites - who do you like to read?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 431
15 hours ago
Eek! Thanks so much for the mention. And I'm not bored about the office saga... I'm totally interested in home makeovers. I save all those ideas for when I have a house of my own. :)
Thank you for the linkage! So glad I "found" you. Happy Easter to you!!
Thanks, friend. You're so sweet. YOU were my first beyond-the-comments friend as well. And as such a crucial time for me. I heart you!!
Did you see I did a whole vacation post just for you? "Hit the Road, Jack."
I'm really loving It Coulda Been Worse, Shine Again, and With Great Joy. (Plus a ton of others.) They are on my sidebar. Shine Again is my college roommate. She is amazing.
Hey, Jenni. Love to catch up on your family by reading your blog. I got one for you to start checking on.
It's new. He's special. Follow his travels, and let him know you are reading. keep him in your prayers. Love, Ronda
I have loved the office make-over! It looks great! I havn't branched out much in blogland. I usually read yours and Beth Moore's. Here is a new one this week. I heard this lady on Focus on the family. She talks about the importance of the profession of motherhood. Her blog has mom stories I can relate too.
Oh goodness, thank you so much for including my little blog!
I'm a Pioneer Woman stalker too!! Haha!!!
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