Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The most boring post ever.

I don't have a clue what day it is. If it weren't for my calendar app, I would be completely lost. In fact there are times I'm completely lost in spite of my calendar app.
Honey hasn't worked for the last three Mondays, and that just throws my whole week off. If Honey isn't working, it feels like Saturday. And that would make Tuesday Sunday. I wake up Tuesday and it's not Sunday and my week is all out of kilter.
Friday Bubba had a baseball game. We remembered the game but forgot that it was our turn to bring the snacks. I don't know what happened, it was all in the phone. I rushed to the closest place available and brought back the best snack Dollar General had to offer, complete with the cheap, white Styrofoam ice chest.
It appears that Dollar General is in fact the true "one stop shopping" that Walmart always claims to be. Because we all know that if I'd gone to Walmart to find our baseball snack, they wouldn't have had everything I needed. And I would have had to wait in line well into the 4th inning of the game. The game that we WON! It was only our 4th win of the season. It's a good thing I remembered the snack when I did, because it would have been sad to win the game and not have a snack to help celebrate.
Sadly, today is not Sunday. It's Tuesday.
BUT, yesterday we changed a light bulb. Honey could stand on the chair and get the old light bulb out, but his fingers weren't quite long enough to get the new one in. So we improvised, as opposed to walking out into the garage and getting the ladder.

We also sat around and made videos of the kids doing the "chubby" thing. Did y'all ever put your hands on your cheeks to make your face look chubby and then say, "Hi, my name is Chubby..."?
No? Well, trust me, it's very entertaining. You should try it.
You never know what's going to happen on federal holidays here at the Hairdryer house. How was your holiday weekend?


Shelly@Sweet Journey said...

Game snacks...that is one perk to the ball games here. The players get free snow cones after the game, so I never have to remember snacks. Aaah!

Chubby...LOL!! Yes, we did that growing up and it is hilarious!

Holiday weekend...what holiday? We played ball Saturday, and the kids had school on Monday. I'll have to have a talk with the superintendent about that! ;)

Su said...

Erm... we found out we don't have enough money for me to go to summer school. Of course, we're both still unemployed, so every day is a holiday in the Cheeky house!

Other than that, the weekend was great. :)

Misty said...

Ahhh... the chubby thing. :)