We're getting a bit of winter here in our corner of CO. The only thing I have to say about that is...FINALLY. I was beginning to think someone just transplanted some mountains and pine trees in West Texas, because we've been having a TX winter here in CO. I might feel differently in a few hours when I have to get out and pick the kids up from school.
This TX girl has had to find some new winter favorites. My thin, no show socks just aren't cutting it.
- Smart Wool socks
I do not have a drawer full of these, but I have a few pair and they keep my feet toasty.
- Merrell Waterproof shoes
Waterproof is the key word. I wear mine almost every day.
-Gilligan & O'Malley pajama pants
These aren't necessarily Colorado warm, but they are SO comfy. I don't have words for how comfy they are. And you only wear them inside, where it's already warm.
- house shoes
I have these. Honey and Bubba have these. Here in the mountains, you take your shoes off as soon as you step inside. But you need something besides thin Texas socks on your feet. We may or may not have a hard time remembering to change into our outdoor shoes before we leave the house.
- humidifier(s)
Because the heat runs a lot here, and it's dry. Dry, dry, dry, dry, dry.
-Crabtree and Evelyn hand lotion
To be fair, I found this at a hotel where we stayed over Christmas. I only have the small, hotel-sized bottles that I could scrounge from the 3 rooms the family occupied during our stay. It keeps my hands hydrated, but not greasy. And a little goes a long way.
- Thanks to some Barnes and Noble gift cards, I just finished reading The Ashford Affair by Lauren Willig and I enjoyed it.
I plan to start Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin this weekend. The movie version just came out. I don't think the book version is for the faint of heart, my Nook says that it's 650 pages. What?!
I'm also going to read Labor Day by Joyce Maynard, also a movie coming soon. I just decided that I always like the book better than the movie, so why not find the book?
What are your winter favorites? Please share...even if they're more TX and less CO.
Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (March 17-23)
20 hours ago
LOVE your favorites~
Mine are:
Girl Scout Shortbreads with my coffee every morning and afternoon and after each meal!
Bailey's Almond Toffee Coffee Creamer
Also my slippers, we do the same thing here because we have no carpet in our house. Although mine are just walmart special!
Hot baths with Bath and Body Vanilla Lavender body wash
Boot socks and leg warmers :)
Seat Warmers in my new to me car- 11 GMC Acadia, done with burbs
Dove Dark Chocolate
I love love love Gilligan & O'Malley pj's! I bought 2 sets of their flannels when they were on sale after Thanksgiving, and got one more for Christmas. :)
My other winter favorite is the new tall fuzzy slipper socks - the old short kinds left my legs cold from about mid-calf up.
Miss you guys!
LOVE that lotion... And Shampoo. And conditioner. And body scrub... Need to get ahold of the body lotion...
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