This week has been a little hectic with the girls and I starting classes. But, I think we're about to get settled into our norm for this year. At least as "norm" as it's going to get around here.
Speaking of The Preschool, I'm loving having the girls in class with me. They are two different little people in the classroom. It's amazing to see them transform from hyper, dramatic 4 year olds, to eager, attentive learners. I am so glad we're going through PreK together.
Javamama and Gayle both guessed the right answer to the mural mystery. It is a mural of Elijah being swept up into heaven by a whirlwind. Look it up in II Kings 2:11.
Honey is working his second job this weekend. That means that last night we made another trip to the car wash to do some laundry. And, I took pictures. Honey has decided that he wants to post about it though. He isn't even a regular reader of the blawg, and still thinks that having friends on the internet is weird, but I'm going to let him write anyway. You can be looking for that early next week.
It should be interesting since I spent part of last evening teaching Bubba (and reminding Honey) about prepositions and prepositional phrases. Honey asked if he could end every sentence he posted with a preposition. As interesting as that sounds, I declined. And right after that, I evoked editing privileges.
Because we decided early on in our parenting journey that he would help with the math homework and I would help with the English. It wasn't by happenstance that we came to this conclusion, there are very good reasons.
I went to Ladies Bible Class Wednesday morning. I've never been to the class they offer at our new church. But this fall, they are doing Beth Moore's Stepping Up study. I've heard great things about it and was excited to see that they were offering it this year. It was the biggest reason I decided to attend. A close second was the free babysitting. I'm a sucker for anything that offers to chaperon my children for free while I do grown-up stuff.
I had a massage this week. It was heavenly. I think that if I could find a spa that offered free babysitting while I took advantage of their services, I would probably give up my "eating out" cash envelope so I could take advantage more often. It was that heavenly.
While Honey's gone this weekend, I'm going to decorate the house for fall. The weather has cooled a bit over the last week or so. We've actually had a few days in the 80s and one in the 70s. I'm hoping that this is signaling the arrival of fall in the near future. I've decided to take the "if you decorate for it, it will come" approach. If that doesn't work, my next step will be to pull out the crock pot and make my favorite soup.
And you really don't want me to pull out my cast iron skillet and make corn bread. So just do what I say, and no one gets hurt.
Have a great weekend, y'all.
Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (March 3-9)
18 hours ago
ohh... i love massages. It's been at least 2 years since I had one. Darn it, I'm sticking it on my Christmas wish list...
Hi Jenni. I've enjoyed catching up on your life by peeking at your blog this afternoon. I guess it's been about 12 years since I've seen you! Gasp. I'm waaayyy too young to say things like that, right?
Oh a massage.... ~sigh~
I just love me a good massage. I mustn't think of it any further. We should have stopped at that spa in the mall on the Riverwalk. THAT would have been fun!
I'm ready for some good soup. I may make some even before the weather decides to cool off!
I love your approach...that's funny! I'm ready for fall too. I just get giddy about soup and all things fall.
I caught up on your blog before I went to bed last night and dreamed about you and your family all stinkin' night. Makes me need to see you really bad.
Much love.
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